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This is an ElvenRunes Monthly Feature written by Kelen, edited by Vaire and published on the 15th of each Month.

While many of are just idling away or off chasing orcs or elves. This column will fill you in about the people behind the characters, glimpses into their real life adventures and a bit about news, events and trends in this game we play called MUME.

If you have any events, news anniversaries, birthdays or anything else you would like everyone to know mail:

September 2004

  • Hello there everyone. Just thought I would introduce myself to you all and let those of you that didn't know already about the change in writer of this here 'Palantiri'. I shall hopefully be bringing you the news and gossip each month for a while yet, so no whining back-there Vaire!

    I thought long and hard about what to write here, and have got to say I was at a bit of a loss with what to talk about. So I thought I would talk about something dear to my heart…Rangers oh and me. From back when I was a new adventurer stepping out on my first quest - to slay the evil geese near the Grey Havens, I was in awe of the rangers out there, helping the newbies to control their urges to go after the citizens of towns (which for some reason I still have trouble keeping younglings away from) and pointing them in the direction of sheep, ducks, and small and relatively harmless bunnies.

The Highest Level*

Norsu/Azazello, 100


Elestir, 92


Lowyn, 87


Zaber, 84


Reno, 75


Erebos, 80


Secret, 69


Tragikomix , 75


Sardaukar, 67


Antar, 55

Oldest Mortal (still played)



Angus,  Feb. 1993


Aschit, Aug. 1995




Mouser, Jan. 1994


Atastor, Aug. 1993









Most TPs (evil races)

Smirthlav,  1,100,000




OscarMeyer,  1,000,000


Sarduakar,  400,000

Ranger of the Month










BN (Honorary)

Elizalde, 2003

*Unofficial data, Still played defined as played in last 90 days, Ranger of the Month based on nomination. To submit any data mail

From back when I was a new adventurer stepping out on my first quest - to slay the evil geese near the Grey Havens, I was in awe of the rangers out there, helping the newbies to control their urges to go after the citizens of towns (which for some reason I still have trouble keeping younglings away from) and pointing them in the direction of sheep, ducks, and small and relatively harmless bunnies.

Wenwalme was my hero, coming to my aid on several occasions helping me to learn the ways to keep myself alive and how to be successful at it, mainly by running away from anything and everything. From then I knew that this was something to aspire to, and to grow towards. I gotta tell you that I was a long way from my goal at this point, I had no where near enough experience in the world and its ways but after many years of struggle I finally got there and became a Ranger in my own right. Many thanks to Vaire for giving her trust, and bestowing my rangership on me all those many years ago.

At the moment some of the rangers are trying to get together and find a 'Base for operations' to store some basic newbie kit for when the gods are off doing god like things and for basically hanging around in trying not to get too drunk. If you have a legend home that could do with an airing out somewhere around Bree and you wouldn't mind us rangers dropping in please let me know.

  • First, anyone who wishes to see their birthday listed, please let me know if so all can celebrate in your getting older and hopefully wiser. My apologies if you are on the list and its your birthday this month and your name isn't up here; we are having some very minor technical difficulties with the change-over but happy birthday to you anyway.
  • ElvenRunes had some problems this month. First people were being asked to download a file because of a glitch, then the site was unreachable for some and afterward unreachable for all. Thanks to Elvenrunes' coders Axel and Utu it is back up.
  • There is a rumor that International MUME meeting 2005 will be in Czech Republic!

  • There will also At some point be a UK MUME meet, just as soon as I get around to arranging this.
  • It has been ruled by Staer that auto-ride after Zblam! is illegal in PK situations. This announcement came with a bit of confusion as it was presented in a Justice board post where a player was convicted for multiple action use. If you are in doubt about an actions and their legality either ask someone in the know or better still don't use it at all! There have been plenty of whines and whinges about action users and you will probably be sick to death of them by now…and if you're not then go read Arglebargle!.
  • There have, this month, apparently been a number of same-side attacks, forcing the Immortals to get involved and necessitating a controversial post by Staer on the Justice Board about proper procedures to follow before killing another of your side. Opinions are split on what justifies same-siding according to the rules and according to the player's code. You cant just go around knocking off your comrades without some sort of punishment. I know that the Ainur take a grim view of those that same side and will make sure that the punishment fits the crime! Again if you're not sure about this ruling don't get yourself into that situation.
  • There was a small MUME-meeting in Kopenhagen on Sept. 10, we've yet to hear much about how it went or see any pictures if any were taken. If you were at the event and want to name and shame your fellow gatherers please let me know!
  • The Hattrick MUME cup has entered the final rounds, good luck to all those who made the finals, and commiserations to all those who's teams let them down.
  • Thoughts went out to those Mume players in the US state of Florida, as Hurricanes tore through the state. Remarkably most of the players managed to maintain their Mume links while boarding up their windows. The devastation looks to be continuing with Ivan the Terrible heading up towards the already battered Florida. Good luck guys; may your boards stay firmly in place and may you never see Velgular at the end of his shotgun! ;)
  • Rumor has it that some ER posters are forgetting to wait a reasonable time period after a fight to start posting about loot, which could result in cross-race communication. Remember please to wait until it's no longer an active situation before posting.
  • Another rumor (we're not sure how it got started but was spread by a certain player that we'll not name) was that there was a special version of JMC out just for MUME that everyone uses to cheat. This version was supposedly designed solely for the purpose of cheating on MUME. As far as we know it was just a misunderstanding.


  • Level Update: Lowyn Aradan the last Rider of Calenardhon has surpassed herself yet again to reach level 87.
    Tragikomix has also gained some levels and is now a whopping level 75! Newbies you have been warned! (Lowyn eats newbies for breakfast *wink*)Well done!

  • Maia Promotions: Looks like either no one has told me about them, or there have been no worthy candidates this month! If you've recently been promoted or made your Maia e-mail us and it will be listed here.

  • Birthdays: 15. September - Alkar, 16. September - Luininu, 21. September - Beran, 22. September - Sloshed, 24. September - Tharaphita, 25. September - Boldo, 2. October - Nator


Read Some Older Columns:

June 2004
May 2004
April 2004

March 2004
Feb. 2004
Jan. 2004
November 2003
October 2003
September 2003
August 2003
July 2003
June 2003
May 2003
April 2003
Jan. 2003
Dec. 2002
Aug. 19, 2002
Aug. 8, 2002
June 26, 2002
June 19, 2002
June 11, 2002
June 27, 2002
June 13, 2002
June 6
May 28
May 9
April 24
April 11
April 4
March 28
March 23
February 27
February 14
February 7
January 31

January 24
January 17
January 10
January 3
December 20
December 13
December 6
November 29
November 15
November 8
November 1
October 25
October 11
October 3
September 27
Special Edition - September 20  
September 12
September 5
August 30
August 23
August 16
August 9
August 2
July 26
July 19
July 12
July 5
June 28
June 21
June 15, 2004, View Site Credits. Give us your Feedback.