August 8, 2002    

  • The cz. mume meeting went without any falters, and all estonian participants got home in one piece. Ofcourse, they would be waiting for the towing car if Ares wouldn't have advised them to fix the car differently, as they broke down in some mid-forest road. As for the people: the biggest party-animals were Donald and Ozon, who partied all night long and tried to wake up anyone who had already gone to sleep. They also were the loudest, starting to brag and yell after they had gotten some of that cheap but not too strong beer. Two of the biggest troll players: Lothar and Devastator, they were quite silent and unnoticeable, and pretty different of the image you might have from your mume-experiences. Lothar made also another record: there wasn't a time you'd see him empty handed: always a bottle of beer gripped firmly, strolling around. Besides drinking the famous cz beer, they also played in bigger and smaller labs, with the local lag and chain reaction : first 10 computers drop link, others say aha, ok , link moving. Link returns to those computers, then next 10 drop.. and so on. Thats how also the Shire raid was done, having half of the group permanently linkless. I think its fair to say everyone is satisfied with the meeting, and I also hope the pictures and evidence will be up shortly on ER meetings section.
  • Some people seem to think Draaz is really a look-a-like to a swedish (gay)singer Moe. Go figure, soon they will start asking autographs on the streets!
  • Kona has reached highest playing beorning status, after reaching level 38. Kitto just said he cannot compete with the damn link, but I'm sure they'll be competors still.
  • Sardaukar has reached level 54, Reno and Cele are both retired.. maybe they waiting up others, to give it a challenge ?
  • Birthdays: Jahara 6th Aug, Trent 7. Aug, Fisben 8.Aug, Treastin 17th Aug, Ithilorn 19th Aug, Feago 21st Aug, Drugar 26th aug, Ghostly 28th Aug, Fergus 29th Aug. Little but certainly not less important birthdays: Fergus's and Einalem's son: 3 years on 17th Aug. Vaire's little jewel Alex will be 5 years old on 20th August. Relim's youngest daughter Hope will be 5 years old on August 25th. Happy birthday!

    I would be happy to receive new updates of all the profiles of the MUME-players. Since time has gone by, interests have changed, and people have aged .. please feel free to load me ( ) with your new pics and profile updates!

    Note: I am still waiting for feedback on birthday dates, don't be shy!

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