September 12, 2001

  • First of all, my all concern and apologies to them who were involved at the tragical events in United States on tuesday. Also i'd like to note that Loden, Gathen and Ferumbras (who lives less than a mile away from Pentagon) have been good correspondants, as they all lived nearby to the places where the terror-acts took place. As Gathen told me: "It will never be same.. The streets look empty and deserted, people have disappeared.." When he first moved to NY he thought the city is too big, too crouded. Everybody was a stranger. Now the city is alone... 
  • Loden was also a beacon in helping mume people get information on friends and family in new york city.

Now, on with the less serious stuff.

  • As i told you about the level-race with trolls.. Here is more news. New tip is level 57. And so far Cele is keeping it. Although Devastator was same level for a small time, he died 5 minutes later, losing it once again. So.. now it is time to make bets, who will be the first troll to reach level 60!
  • Seems that two Maias: Almarian and Meneldur have joined the forces! Their titles indicating warmer feelings towards eachother, and they are often seen together.
  • Rumour also goes that Rut is spending time in U.S. As for reasons we only know that she was supposed to meet Ajax during her stay.
  • Jabba and his beloved Vibeke are currently spending time together where Jabba lives. Jabba has noted that this is all so wonderful, and that Vibeke would be the kind of girl he wishes to marry someday.. but not yet! At same time, his 2-week vacation has already turned into 3 weeks of work. So now Jabba's cat Claw and his girlfried Vibeke are enjoying their vacation at jabba's house.
  • As the US spent the Labor day about a week ago, Loden took a small hiking trip to New Jersey with his friends. The foothills of a mountain called High Point were their main destinations. It is the highest point in New Jersey, as well as a breathtaking view. They ended their trip with a big bonfire and returned to home, tired but happy.
  • Several seldom seen mume-people were spotted in Vaire's Labyrinth on Tuesday following the tragic events: Eru, CryHavoc, Manwë, Nada and also Draught, who still remains AWOL (absent without leave, for you who don't know:).
  • The yours truly writer (Liliah) here is taking a small 4 day vacation from the city life also. She is going to wipe the dust off her feet and stay in the thick forests of Mid-Estonia. She will be back by Monday morning next week.
  • Birthdays: Luininu 16. Sept

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