November 15, 2001
  • I can gladly announce the result of the poll question that has been up here since last week. Relim's 4th kid is going to be a boy - so finally a man to pass his heirs to! 
  • Ling now has a steady gentleman to walk her around. She met the guy where she works, already back in august. Things have moved slow but now it is official. Ling has also retired most of her mortals, so she could have more time for rl, and she isn't missing it much. She says having a maia to talk to your friends is just enough.
  • As some of you remeber, in october Rut was visiting Estonia. Here i share with you some of the funniest moments that happened to her as well as her friend, who was travelling with her. The trip to Estonia was supposed to be 5 hrs, but due to several misinterpretions and changes, it stretched to 13 hrs. Instead of one plane-switch they travelled through Norway, Sweden, Finland and from Finland with a boat. Arriving to Estonia they had no local currency so some estonian man arranged them a buschase and paid their tickets, that finally took them to their destination. Since - when they were stuck at Finland they already kissed their conference goodbye - the lady on intercom talked only finnish, and they had no idea from where the ferry would leave. The people had all been nice, but not the birds in Estonia. Rut had taken some national food with her, to give to the hosts. So at night when they were settling in to their hotel, she put all of it outside, behind the window, since there was no fridge. There were sheep head, sour shark and sheep guts plus various more goods. The birds ate everything but the shark! Also, she planned to see many people that play mume, in Sweden as well in Estonia. She wrote all the phone numbers to the one and same piece of paper, which she naturally left on her home table, when she left. Next time, next try!  
  • Due to the horrid lag that surrounds us currently, many of the playing people just sit and idle or don't play at all. But seems that all the players don't understand or just dont take the message #lag warning# too seriously, so the death is all around us.
  • Spears did a brave thing just a few days ago. You know how all the finns like this clear liquid called vodka? He and his friends bought a bottle of it one day, and as he looked at the bottle he felt a certain urge to say 'No!' and pass. This is what we call self-control!
  • On 9th november Fergus, Einalem and Luininu came inter-state and met for a cup of coffee. A fun time was had and many mume-stories were shared. Also they took the excuse to spend Einalem's impending 25th birthday as well as Fergus's and Einalems 5th anniversary of being together. Unfortunate was only the fact, that the camera supposed to record these happy moments had been left on the kitchen table.
  • Birthdays: Vanidor Nov. 15, Hate Nov. 20.

    I would be happy to receive new updates of all the profiles of the MUME-players. Since time has gone by, interests have changed, and people have aged .. please feel free to load me ( ) with your new pics and profile updates!

    Note: I am still waiting for feedback on birthday dates, don't be shy!

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