This is an ElvenRunes Monthly Feature written by Freyja, edited by Vaire and published on the 15th of each Month.

While many of are just idling away or off chasing orcs or elves. This column will fill you in about the people behind the characters, glimpses into thier real life adventures and a bit about news, events and trends in this game we play called MUME.

If you have any events, news anniversaries, birthdays or anything else you would like everyone to know mail:

July 2004

  • Mume meeting in Estonia is still the most burning discussion on ElvenRunes besides soccer. So I will start with the latest news in this case. There is a register page on the EMMP. Marginally 60 players have been registered, who are quite or very sure they will come. A lot of estonians are hanker to see the swedes and swedes who are yearning to see scary estonians. There will be also people from Germany, Finland and Czech Republic. It is promising to beat last year's record number of people for a Mume Meeting. The meeting will start on 29. July, when most of the swedes are arriving. They are planning to make a huge pre-party in Tallinn, sauna, clubbing, pubbing or bubbling-whatever one will like to do he/she can join with prefered company. Talking about pre-party, have you seen the exclusive pictures about mume pre-pre-party in Estonia, Tirbiku? Check for them from EMMP. The page has been updated also, new pictures and info about the past meetings. For the last words - You are very welcome to join!
The Highest Level*

Norsu/Azazello, 100


Elestir, 92


Lowyn, 84


Zaber, 84


Reno, 75


Erebos, 80


Secret, 69


Tragikomix , 73


Sardaukar, 67


Antar, 55

Oldest Mortal (still played)



Angus,  Feb. 1993


Aschit, Aug. 1995




Mouser, Jan. 1994


Atastor, Aug. 1993









Most TPs (evil races)

Smirthlav,  1,100,000




OscarMeyer,  1,000,000


Sarduakar,  400,000

Ranger of the Month










BN (Honorary)

Elizalde, 2003

*Unofficial data, Still played defined as played in last 90 days, Ranger of the Month based on nominations. To submit any data mail

  • The descriptions of War Points have been changed. Not that you can see the numbers, like many would like to see, but more descriptions in your 'info'. Examples : you are not interested in player killing or you are a loser if you get 'You are not known for any acts of war'. If you get 'Your supremacy in battle is beyond question', congratulations, you are the war leader! Besides those you can climb 15 different ones, so in a way they are visible WP's.
  • I know many of MUME players who like a bit harder music, so there is something I can't miss. Player Manatark has been organizing another metal music festival in Estonia - well known Hard Rock Laager (laager - camp in eng.) takes place in Vana-Vigala, like in the last year and year before that. Official homepage proclaims: 'This year's headliner is DISMEMBER (swe), one of the first legendary death metal acts to dictate the sound of their decade. You may also know SWALLOW THE SUN (fin), the rising star from Finland, that has already been nominated as the most remarkable newcomer of the year by many top magazines. Besides these two, a line of 16 other bands follows, the cream and pride of the local metal scene.' Festivals date this year has been set to 16-17.July 2004, place Vana-Vigala, Estonia. You can aslo find Freyja there taking pictures all days long and reporting for the zine she is working for and finally on the stage.
  • People are still without legend homes they have paid for long ago. Rumor has it that the money is all being used to build a pyramid like the pharoahs did in which to lay the current legend home people to rest in after a not so peaceful death.
  • Rent costs have been changed. It's more useful to rent for the long period now. For a while players actually complained and reported when accidentally getting free rent or thinking they had. Honesty among Mumers who would have thought it!
  • The word "WARP" is appearing in many titles of gods one can only wonder what is causing this phenomenon to encroach upon Tolkien's world.
  • Player Sardaukar has promised to quit MUME. He retired all his level 21+ characters, scrambled his account password and left farewell to his ainus whois. But his wife Liliah still remains.
  • A citizen mercenary taps you on the shoulder and says 'Crossbows are sold in weapons store in Fornost'.
  • News has spread orcs will be rewarded for bringing items of their fallen foes back to those they owe allegiance.
  • Whine update: trolls can't hide anymore. Umm...wait, it was a bug! But then, why do we have sneaky bears, and hobbits bashing trolls?
  • One of the surviving jewel-smiths from ancient Ost-in-Edhil has taken up his craft again in the fair city of Caras Galadhon.
  • Player Luke is buying stuff into his new empty flat. So he is complatly broken all the time, no matter how much he works!
  • Player Ling announces, since she's very happy and waned to share it with the world: 'I got into the university I wanted (Uppsala University in Sweden) and that I'm moving to Uppsala in the end of August. I'm going to study chinese and peace+conflict studies and hopefully I'll get a job within the UN (united nations) in the future'. Congradulations to Ling!
  • Level updates: Smrtihlav has gained a level, so he is level 96 now, going for level 100. Close one!
  • Loreth has been nominated and chosen Ranger of the Month for June.
  • Maia Promotions:
  • Birthdays: 16. July - Materia, 17. July- Faint, 21. July- Namo, 24. July- Moonshade, Tinrar, 30. July- Daryl and Cele, 31. July- Najade, 4. August - Hana, 6. August - Grumble, 8. August - Zhuk, 15. August - Uinen

      Do you have visions of what has come to pass? What do you see when you look into your personal Palantir...E-mail:!

    • Read Some Older Columns:

      June 2004
      May 2004
      April 2004

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      Feb. 2004
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      November 2003
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      August 2003
      July 2003
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      May 2003
      April 2003
      Jan. 2003
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      Aug. 19, 2002
      Aug. 8, 2002
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      June 19, 2002
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      June 13, 2002
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      February 7
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      Special Edition - September 20  
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      August 16
      August 9
      August 2
      July 26
      July 19
      July 12
      July 5
      June 28
      June 21
      June 15


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