=== NOTE === This is mainly handy for Trolls, in a certain view it helps Orc players. I did remove the month because it is not important to me; more over, you can check month when you log in your account. I added variables for colours since <+attr> and <+noattr> commands are bugged in PowTTY. It is just a way to make colours work in actions. If you do use Powwow you can of course use the commands to make it easier. --- ACTIONS --- #action >+dtime ^$1 on $2, the $3 of $4, Year $5 of the Third Age.={#if (\$1?"pm") {#if (\$1=="12pm") {#(@-33=12)}| #else {#(@-33=%\$1+12)}}| #else {#if (\$1=="12am") {#(@-33=0)}| #else {#(@-33=%\$1)}}|#(@-34=(:?($months.<($months?\$4))-1)%12+1)|#print ("TIME: "+\$1+" \-\=\|NIGHT: "+$night:@-34+"pm DAWN: "+$dawn:@-34+"am\|\=\-")|#print ("------------------------------------------------------------------")}} #action >+wtime ^$2, the $3 of $4, Year $5 of the Third Age.={#(@-34=(:?($months.<($months?\$4))-1)%12+1)|#print ("TIME: "+\$1+" \-\=\|NIGHT: "+$night:@-34+"pm DAWN: "+$dawn:@-34+"am\|\=\-")|#print ("------------------------------------------------------------------")}} #action >+calendar According to the $1 calendar, it is:={#print (" ")|#print (" ")|#print ("==================================================================")} #action >+istar The present Tan Istar, Lord of the Istari Council is $1.={#print ("------------------------------------------------------------------")} #action >+rebootmume Last reboot &1={#print ("==================================================================")|#print (" ")} #action >+moon You can see a &1 ($2) &3.={#print (""+$colour_attribute_underline+"MOON"+$colour_attribute_ansioff+": $1 ($2)")} --- VARIABLES --- #($colour_attribute_ansioff = "\033[0m") #($colour_attribute_blink = "\033[5m") #($colour_attribute_bold = "\033[1m") #($colour_attribute_inverse = "\033[7m") #($colour_attribute_underline = "\033[4m") #($colour_background_black = "\033[40m") #($colour_background_blue = "\033[44m") #($colour_background_cyan = "\033[46m") #($colour_background_green = "\033[42m") #($colour_background_magenta = "\033[45m") #($colour_background_red = "\033[41m") #($colour_background_white = "\033[47m") #($colour_background_yellow = "\033[43m") #($colour_high_black = "\033[1m\033[30m") #($colour_high_blue = "\033[1m\033[34m") #($colour_high_cyan = "\033[1m\033[36m") #($colour_high_green = "\033[1m\033[32m") #($colour_high_magenta = "\033[1m\033[35m") #($colour_high_red = "\033[1m\033[31m") #($colour_high_white = "\033[1m\033[37m") #($colour_high_yellow = "\033[1m\033[33m") #($colour_normal_black = "\033[30m") #($colour_normal_blue = "\033[34m") #($colour_normal_cyan = "\033[36m") #($colour_normal_green = "\033[32m") #($colour_normal_magenta = "\033[35m") #($colour_normal_red = "\033[31m") #($colour_normal_white = "\033[37m") #($colour_normal_yellow = "\033[33m") #($dawn = "7 7 6 5 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 8") #($months = "Astron Thrimidge Forelithe Afterlithe Wedmath Halimath Winterfilth Blotmath Foreyule Afteryule Solmath Rethe Astron Thrimidge Forelithe Afterlithe Wedmath Halimath Winterfilth Blotmath Foreyule Afteryule Solmath Rethe Gwirith Lothron Norui Cerveth Urui Ivanneth Narbeleth Hithui Birithron Narwain Ninui Gwaeron Gwirith Lothron N\363rui Cerv\351th \332rui Ivanneth Narbeleth Hithui Birithron Narwain N\355nui Gwaeron") #($night = "7 8 8 9 10 9 8 8 7 6 5 6") --- MARKS --- #mark Dawn &=cyan on black #mark 11am=white on black #mark 10am=white on black #mark 9am=white on black #mark 8am=white on black #mark 7am=white on black #mark 6am=white on black #mark 5am=white on black #mark 4am=white on black #mark 3am=white on black #mark 2am=white on black #mark 1am=white on black #mark 12pm=white on black #mark 11pm=cyan on black #mark 10pm=cyan on black #mark 9pm=cyan on black #mark 8pm=cyan on black #mark 7pm=cyan on black #mark 6pm=cyan on black #mark 5pm=cyan on black #mark 4pm=cyan on black #mark 3pm=cyan on black #mark 2pm=cyan on black #mark 1pm=cyan on black #mark 12am=cyan on black #mark TIME:=magenta on black #mark DAWN:=yellow on black #mark NIGHT:=red on black