MERCENARY ASSISTANT Tested on JMC version 3.26 (c) Rashnak 2002-05-22 This trigger helps to notice when your mercenaries are leaving the group. It requires you label your mercenaries like this: A citizen-mercenary is here, waiting for a job *>label mercenary bill Ok. *>give 10 celeb bill Ok. A citizen mercenary (bill) says 'I'll join the fight against your enemies!' A citizen mercenary (bill) starts following you. #var mercAutoGroup 0 #action {/^A citizen mercenary \((.*)\) taps you on the shoulder.$/} {#script Beep; #alias {merc} {give 10 celeb %%0}; #if {$mercAutoGroup==1} {merc}} A citizen mercenary (bill) taps you on the shoulder. A citizen mercenary (bill) says 'If you still need my help, you must pay me again.' (beep) *>merc Ok. A citizen mercenary (bill) says 'Thank you. I am at your service.' A citizen mercenary (bill) stops following you. A citizen mercenary (bill) starts following you. You can also turn on automatic paying. However, I don't suggest using it all the time, because there are some flaws in paying the mercenaries, for example if you pay them while they are fighting, you lose your money but they still leave. Use the alias "automerc" to toggle the autopay ON/OFF. #alias {automerc} {#var {ok} {0};#if {$mercAutoGroup==0} {#showme Mercenary auto group ON.;#var {ok} {1};#var {mercAutoGroup} {1}};#if {$ok==0} {#showme Mercenary auto group OFF.;#var {mercAutoGroup} {0}}}