KILL XP COUNTER Tested on JMC version 3.26 (c) Rashnak 2002-05-16 This script triggers when you or a group member kills something in the room, shows how much xp you got from the kill and how much more you have to the next level. You need to have #multiaction ON if you have other actions, loot triggers or such, that trigger on same input. The alias "xp" toggles this feature ON/OFF. #multiaction ON #var xpOn 1 #alias xp {#var ok 0;#if {$xpOn==1} {#showme XP report OFF.;#var xpOn 0;#var ok 1};#if {$ok==0} {#showme XP report ON.;#var xpOn 1}}; #var xpToLevel 0 #alias {xpGotXp} { #if {$xpOn==1} {info to level %X; #var xpToLevelOld $xpToLevel}} #action {^You receive your share of experience.} {xpGotXp} #action {^You feel more experienced.} {xpGotXp} #action {^to level %1} {#var xpToLevel %1; #math xpForKill {$xpToLevelOld-$xpToLevel}; #showme ;#showme {Killed $xpLastKill, got $xpForKill xp,}} #action {/^(.+) is dead! R.I.P.$/} {#var xpLastKill %0} #action {/^(.+) disappears into nothing.$/} {#var xpLastKill %0} #action {/^(.+) has drawn his last breath! R.I.P.$/} {#var xpLastKill %0} #action {/^(.+) has drawn her last breath! R.I.P.$/} {#var xpLastKill %0}