=== Note for Jahara's Date Autologger=== Runs whenever logged/reconnecting into MUME. Logs file: Month Day Year - Hours.Minutes.Seconds.log === Actions === #action >+datelog1 ^Never forget! Try to role-play...={#print|#action -datelog1|#action +datelog3|time} #action >+datelog2 ^Reconnecting.={#print|#action -datelog2|#action +datelog3|time} #action >-datelog3 ^Real time is $1 $2 $3 $4:$5:$6 $7 GMT.={#print|#exe ("#capture " + \$2 + " " + \$3 + " " + \$7 + " - " + \$4 + "." + \$5 + "." + \$6 + ".log")|#print (attr "yellow" + "### Currently logging to: " + \$2 + " " + \$3 + " " + \$7 + " - " + \$4 + "." + \$5 + "." + \$6 + ".log" + noattr)|#action -datelog3} NOTE: The above script had some problems on days 01-09 of every month, The following should fix that (thanks to a quick hack from another source): #action >-datelog1 ^Never forget! Try to role-play...={#print|#action -datelog1|#action +datelog3|#action +datelog4|time} #action >+datelog2 ^Reconnecting.={#print|#action -datelog2|#action +datelog3|#action +datelog4|time} #action >-datelog3 ^Real time is $1 $2 $3 $4:$5:$6 $7 GMT.={#print|#exe ("#capture " + \$2 + " " + \$3 + " " + \$7 + " - " + \$4 + "." + \$5 + "." + \$6 + ".log")|#print (attr "yellow" + "### Currently logging to: " + \$2 + " " + \$3 + " " + \$7 + " - " + \$4 + "." + \$5 + "." + \$6 + ".log" + noattr)|#action -datelog3||#action -datelog4} #action >-datelog4 ^Real time is $1 $2 $3 $4:$5:$6 $7 GMT.={#print|#exe ("#capture " + \$2 + " " + \$3 + " " + \$7 + " - " + \$4 + "." + \$5 + "." + \$6 + ".log")|#print (attr "yellow" + "### Currently logging to: " + \$2 + " " + \$3 + " " + \$7 + " - " + \$4 + "." + \$5 + "." + \$6 + ".log" + noattr)|#action -datelog3||#action -datelog4}