Argle Links Logs MUME Players Profiles
FAQ ElvenRunes Logo


  • How does the rating system work?

    Logs can be rated for up to two days after a log is posted. During that period, you will not be able to see who rated what nor will the stars or thumbs down rating symbols be shown or will logs be entered into the top-rated-logs section.

    After the two-day rating period, the rating summary box and the rating-indicators in the comments will be visible and rating-images (stars, thumbs down) will be shown on the logs main page. If the log qualifies it will be inserted into the top-logs-section. You will not be able to rate logs that have entered this stage.

    As long as a log is in 'rating-mode,' the ratings bar image will be shown on the logs front-page. Hold your cursor over the bar to see the time remaining rating time.

    We highly encourage you to rate the log on its merit and not your opinion of the poster. Try to be fair!

  • Sometimes more than 10 logs are shown on the front-page?

    Yes, 10 logs is the default. That number might increase to show at least two logs, which are not in rating-state anymore., 2002, View Site Credits. Give us your Feedback.